Why are BMIs useful ?

Why are BMIs useful?

The BMI measures an easy and inexpensive screening tool employed to spot potential weight problems for both adults and children. It is a BMI test is important to determine who needs more testing to discover dangers to health, like heart disease. People who are at risk require additional assessment. Evaluations could include tests for the thickness of skin folds as well as diet, physical activity level, family history , and other appropriate health screenings.

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Risks in connection with BMIs at extremes

BMIBeing at risk of being overweight (with a BMI of 25 or above) or underweight (with a BMI less than 18.5) could affect your health.


People who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk of disease compared to those who are in normal weight. The risk of developing disease rises with increasing BMI. The people who are classified as overweight (BMI 25-29.9) might also be considered pre-obese . They are at risk of developing disease. In the category 1 of overweight (BMI 30-34.9) there is a moderate risk of developing disease. This risk increases to severe or very severe risks at stages 2 of obesity (BMI 35-39.9) or 3 (BMI >40) respectively.

It is important to realize that BMI is not a risk factor on its own. Other elements like what one eats, how much they exercise and whether or not there is any disease history in their family could affect an individual's risk of disease. But, as a collective those who are obese and overweight have a higher chance of developing many illnesses.

They have a much higher chance of:

  • Type 2 Diabetes;
  • Gall bladder disease
  • Hypertension;
  • Dyslipidaemia;
  • Insulin Resistance;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Sleep apnoea
  • Breathlessness
  • Asthma;
  • Social isolation and depression;
  • The fatigue and sleepiness of the day.

They are at a moderately higher risk of:

  • Cardiovascular disorders (i.e. stroke, heart attack);
  • Gout /hyperuricaemia;
  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Respiratory disease;
  • Hernia;
  • Psychological problems.

They may be at risk of: likelihood of:

  • There are various forms of cancer (breast colon, endometrial and breast cancers);
  • Reproductive disorders;
  • The impaired fertility
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome;
  • Skin disorders;
  • Cataract;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Musculoskeletal issues;
  • Bad back
  • Incontinence due to stress
  • Oedema/cellulitis.


People who are overweight may be malnourished. They also have an increased chance of developing health issues including:

  • Affected immune system, with an increase in susceptibility to infections
  • Anaemia;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Infertility issues.

What are the limitations of the BMI?

BMILimitations related to BMI. BMI are:

  • BMI varies by age, sex and race. Thus, one's BMI can only be compared with those who are of the same sex, race and age.
  • BMI doesn't distinguish between fat and muscle, and can therefore underestimate in some cases, and overestimate in other (e.g. An athlete might have an elevated BMI due to a higher percentage of muscle, rather than fat).
  • Seniors or those with disabilities have less muscle mass and consequently, will have a lower BMI. This doesn't necessarily mean that their weight is normal or not enough.
  • The pregnant women may also be more obese BMI due to increased weight due to pregnancy, but not always due to an increase in fat. BMI can underestimate the body's fat levels in this instance. Pregnancy BMI and weight gained during pregnancy should be used in assessing the woman's weight and determine the necessity for nutritional and exercise interventions.
  • BMI does not distinguish between body fat distribution. Fat in the area around waist ("apple" form) is more hazardous than that around the hips ("pear" body shape) however, this is not reflected as a result of BMI.

See your healthcare provider for other physical measurements that may need to be used together with BMI to determine the health risks related to obesity.

Other measures of overweight

Table 2 Other indicators of obesity

Measure Description
Waist circumference The circumference of your waist (WC) is an excellent gauge of abdominal fat and can be used to determine the risk of health problems. It is measured by putting an unstratified tape measurement around the narrowest level of your waist. This is done over the top of your light or even no clothing.For males:> 94 (37 inches) - increased risk> 102 cm (37 inch) higher risk> 102 inches (40 inch) Significantly increased risk women: > 80 cm ( 31 inches) - increased risk> 80 cm (31 inch) - increased risk> 88cm (35 inch) Risk is significantly increased can also vary based on ethnicity and health risks are more severe with lower WC in certain ethnicities, such as Aboriginal, Pacific Islander, South Asian, Chinese and Japanese populations.
The hip circumference The hip circumference (HC) is measured by placing a tape on the widest part of your hips, over only a small amount of clothing. HC is not a useful measurement in its own right; generally it is used to calculate a ratio with WC as above.
Hip-waist ratio Waist to Hip ratio (WHR) is the ratio of your waist circumference to your hip circumference. For women, the average WHR is about 0.80 and for males it is 0.95.
Waist-height ratio The ratio between waist and height is the ratio of the circumference of your waist to your height.

More details

To learn more about nutrition, such as information on the kinds of food available and the composition as well as people and nutrition with health issues, and diets and recipes, as well as some helpful videos and tools, see Nutrition.
For more details on weight loss, medical and social problems, and methods for losing weight, and other useful tools, go to the article Weight Loss.


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